Our Stallions

This guy is something special he has the most phenomenal temperament and an amazing athlete as well.
Once you put a saddle on him he turns into a superstar. Just loves to show off. He is a gentleman with the ladies as well. We all love to ride him as he is extremely smooth and gentle to ride.
Height - 15.1 hh
Colour - Dark Bay with one white sock
Service Fee: $2000 inc GST – Chilled semen


A future stallion for our stud he will be put under saddle this year.
His father is Deseable a pure white Costarricence Stallion and his mother is our imported mare Noche Bueno.
He has grown into a strong solid horse.
Stayed tuned we will update this page regularly with his progress.

Another future stallion for our stud, Patron is out of our imported mare Noche Beuno.
This guy is just gorgeous his father is Capricho – another pure white Costarricence Stallion.
We thought this guy would look like his half brother Creyendo but his has lost the colour on his coat and looks to be going grey.
He has the most beautiful blue eyes. Stay tuned we will update this page regularly with is progress.